Artículos sobre mantenimiento

Tablet strip on white background

Secadoras de Lecho Fluido y Bolsas de Secado

El secado en la industria farmacéutica consiste en la extracción de líquidos como el agua y/o disolventes orgánicos de materiales o gránulos. El secado puede realizarse en un horno convencional por el cual pasa el aire. Una manera más eficiente de secar es utilizando un secador de lecho fluido (FBD, por sus siglas en inglés) en el cual el material en polvo o gránulos viene fluido en un flujo de aire seco y caliente hacia arriba. Los FBD ofrecen una manera rápida y cómoda de secar polvos y vienen ampliamente usados en la industria farmacéutica para el secado de formulaciones granulosas en las cuales se conservan muestras en bolsas de tela porosa.

Thermocouples sensor probe isolated on white background

Sensores de temperatura - Termopares, termistores y RTD

Las empresas farmacéuticas hacen uso de diferentes sensores de temperatura debido a su precisión. Actualmente existen tres sensores utilizados ampliamente en la industria. A continuación encontrarás una breve descripción de estos sensores.

Broken white tablets

Solutions For Tablet Sticking

One of the major problems that the tablet manufacturing companies faces is tablet sticking. This problem occurs when the granulation sticks to the punch surface causing deformed tablets, which is very costly not only for the manufacturers but also for the formulators. One way to alleviate this problem is using analytical method as well as create screening processes. Authorities or field experts are also looking for ways to create analytical models to identify the solutions quickly for specific problems.

Tablet Binding

Tablet Binding

Description: The term “Binding” is used when the tablet sticks to, takes hold or splits during the molding / pressing process.

what is tablet capping and how to it

Tablet Capping

Definition: The term is used when either the upper or lower part of the tablet separates horizontally either partially away from the main body or completely and forms a cap when ejected from the press or during the handling process.

Cause: This happens when air is trapped during the compression stage and when the tablet expands after being ejected from the die.

Tablet Deduster Machine – Operation And Cleaning Guide

Tablet Deduster Machine – Operation And Cleaning Guide

The following is a brief operating and cleaning guide that can be used for most tablet de-dusting machines. It covers pre-start up, operation and cleaning, and lists some precautions that can be taken to help avoid contamination issues.

Tablet Designs – Should you stop making round tablets?

Tablet Designs – Should you stop making round tablets?

The design of tablets requires careful research and understanding especially with respect to the shape of the tablets. Even tiny variations can have a direct impact not only on the cost of production but also on patient’s acceptance, which can lead to either the success or failure of the product.
Tablet Making Definitions

Tablet Making Definitions

Here is a list of commonly used terms and there definitions. This it to help you understand and navigate our website more easily. We hope you find it useful.

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Rotary tablet press tooling specifications

Tablet Tools – How To Check and Measure Your Tooling

It is time consuming and expensive for tablet manufacturers to inspect tooling equipment. That said, advancements in technology have made in-process inspections easier to carry out. Here we discuss some of the main technological developments that have facilitated an easier and less costly in-process inspection.

Handheld press, cleaning kit

The Beginner's Guideline To Tableting: How To Make Your Own Tablet Supplements Today

In today’s article we are going to show you how to make your own pills from home exactly step-by-step so if you ever wondered what is needed to go through this process you are definitely at the right place.

The Different Types Of Tablet Coating Machines

The Different Types Of Tablet Coating Machines

Tablet Coating machines are equipment devices used to coat the tablet’s outer surface with a thin coating film.

The Different Types of Tablet Packing Machines

The Different Types of Tablet Packing Machines

Tablet packaging machines comes in different types and is categorized as follows

The Different Types Of Tablet Press

Tablet machines, also called as compressing machines or tablet presses, are the equipment used to compress the powder into its tablet form forming uniform size, shape and weight.

The Mechanism Of Granulation - Formation And Methods

The Mechanism Of Granulation - Formation And Methods

Granulation is the process whereby powder forms are bound together to form aggregates, which are called as granules. Granulation is important as it helps prevent the separation of the ingredients in the mixture as well as improves the flow of the properties of the mixture. It also changes the size of the particles resulting to improved compression and density of the powder mix.

The Process Of Sugar Coating And Problems That One Can Encounter

The Process Of Sugar Coating And Problems That One Can Encounter

The process of sugar coating is rare in the pharmaceutical world recently. That said, knowing the problems that one can encounter would help in the event that sugar coating is needed and problems arise.

Green powder alongside capsules filled with green powder

The Top 5 Problems Encountered in Developing Your Formula for Tablets and Capsules

Making your own formulations for tablets and capsules can be a complex process with many challenges. In this article, we will explore the top problems people encounter when developing their own formulations. We will also provide insights and strategies to overcome these challenges. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned pharmaceutical entrepreneur, this article will provide valuable insights and tips for making your own formulations for tablets and capsules.

Tooling Designs – Different Mixes Need Different Punches

Tooling Designs – Different Mixes Need Different Punches

It has always been difficult to market a tablet in the industry today. Aside from time and capital, research and development is also important; that said, one of the most difficult phases is the actual production of the tablet. Plenty of issues arise during production, including tablet quality to downtime of tablet equipment, which can result to delay in shipping of the product. There are steps that one can take to eliminate as well as minimize the issues before manufacturing actually begins.

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